Therap-Ease, Inc. | Plymouth, MA DME Supplier

Oxygen Rentals

We are a JCAHO accredited Oxygen supplier. We rent out concentrators, conservation devices,  portable concentrators, and oxygen tanks.  You also can go through insurance or purchase some of these items.

 Listed below are prices for private pay rentals and refills.

A prescription is required for all oxygen related rentals and purchases.

Oxygen Rentals:

Concentrator w/ Back-up Cylinder: $150/month
Conservation device: $40/month
Portable Concentrator: $400/month or $150/week

Cylinder Refills:*

B cylinder: $20
C cylinder: $23
D cylinder: $24
E cylinder: $26

Back Up Cylinder: $75

*Prices are for every time you get a refill.

It may take us up to three business days to respond to rental requests.